Nice to meet you!


Hi! I’m Lauren, the creator of Coaching for Insomniacs and The Better Sleep System. I could have introduced myself with a professional picture of me at a desk with a suit, but this is the real me, living the lifestyle that has made great sleep a regular part of my life.

This is the story of how I started in this unique line of work. I never would have guessed that this would become my career, and one that I love so so much.

I was working as a nutritionist in a naturopathic clinic.

I worked there seeing clients one on one for nutrition and I also was one of the managers of the supplement store. People would come in everyday telling us how they could not sleep and asking us to recommend some supplement for sleep. Are there supplements for sleep? Yes, of course there are, but it is the same idea as taking a drug. It is just to sedate you and cover up the insomnia. That said, it won’t work every night anyhow. It may be costly and it won’t address the reason why you have insomnia.

I was passionate about sleep because of my personal experience.

I had insomnia for 5 years in my 20’s. I spent 5 years studying sleep and trying everything. And I mean everything: prescription medications, epsom salt foot soaks, chinese medicine, bedtime yoga, supplements, bedtime baths, earplugs, benadryl or other over the counter drowsy meds (which sometimes make you more alert btw… not recommended!), alcohol and pot to fall asleep (also not recommended!), essential oils, bedtime tea, trying new routines, sleep meditations, doctors visits, therapy, breaking up with my boyfriend and quitting my job, going back to school for nutrition to improve my own life, seriously you name it and I probably tried it. I tell you all this with honesty and vulnerability so that you understand that I know what you are going through.

I don’t even remember how my own insomnia really started. All I remember is how I felt every night lying awake, heart pounding, hot, cold, hot, song in my head, thoughts, great now I have to pee. I also remember the mornings where I cried before going to work. There were so many of those mornings. I would have an absolute meltdown. I would be awake all night and then fall asleep on the bus. I was loosing control of my emotions. My memory was getting really bad at work. I felt crazy. I eventually was on sleeping meds which sometimes sort of helped, but many nights I stayed awake the whole night feeling drugged and then went to work still feeling drugged which was even worse than just the insomnia. And the nights where I slept from them I felt like I was unconscious rather than sleeping.

It took me 5 years of researching, learning and trying new things to come out of my horrible sleep patterns. I did not want anyone else to have to go through that many years of suffering from this issue. After working with clients 1:1 for a few years in nutrition, and completing a Sleep Science Coaching program and a course in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia the transition into sleep mentoring was very natural since so many people needed it in 2018 and hardly anyone else was offering this service.

Seeing clients take control of their sleep fills me with so much joy.

The more I worked with clients for sleep, the more I loved it. Seeing my clients improve their sleep and feel relieved about it makes my heart grow! This work is so close to my heart and on the way I realized that I had finally found my life’s purpose.

Since the whole world situation, I started moving my work online. Now I can connect with people from anywhere to guide them to the other side of poor sleep, to lower stress and to a more confident daytime energy. I could not be more grateful to help people in this way. Each person who overcomes their sleep challenges can now show up as a better version of themselves at work, in their relationships and in their personal life. Life becomes happier and can be enjoyed with more energy.

If you have been suffering with sleeping issues, I am here to tell you that you can overcome this. I am here to be your mentor, educator, coach, cheerleader, and to show you how to do it set by step!

~ Lauren

Sleep is not something you do, it is something you attract by what you do and how you feel

What People Are Saying

I am now energetic during the day and sleepy at bedtime!

— K. F.

I was able to rekindle the good sleep I used to have and am no longer stressed before bedtime.

— E. B.


With Lauren I learned which small changes make a huge difference for me!

— S. P.

My work with Lauren has let to better sleep, less overall anxiety, and better habits which help me feel good.

— V. G.

Chat with me to learn about 1:1 coaching. No pressure.