“Testimonials describe what has been, and are a promise of what is to come”.

~ Ron Kaufman

“I found Lauren when I was at my darkest hour with insomnia.

I honestly felt that I was trying everything I could think of and still not seeing sustained results. Lauren became an anchor for me to learn how to sleep again. I worked with Lauren for three months, and after those three months I now fall asleep with ease and stay asleep. She helped me make adjustments in my mindset and lifestyle that have truly transformed my health. So grateful that there IS someone like Lauren to help with insomnia.”

Sara, Teacher and Nurse, Victoria

“Having struggled with insomnia since recovering from COVID in 2020, I was referred to Lauren…

I was referred to Lauren by my naturopath. What a blessing! Lauren is so warm and kind but her knowledge about sleep and insomnia is amazing and the fact that she’s been through it herself just made her more credible because she could relate to my struggle. Everything I learned from Lauren helped me alleviate my insomnia and enjoy being able to sleep again. From learning the science of sleep, to addressing negative sleep thoughts and promoting an environment conducive for sleep, Lauren’s program is all encompassing and I’m happy to say I no longer need to take medication for sleep anymore. I would without a doubt recommend her service to anyone struggling with sleep issues. If I wasn’t referred to her, I can honestly say that I don’t think my sleep issues would have been resolved and I’d still be off work.”

Vanessa, Long Term Care Manager, Ottawa

“I have struggled on and off for years with my sleep.

I'd been to a sleep clinic in the past and had been told continually nothing was "clinically wrong with me", obviously that didn't help me understand why I wasn't sleeping!

Lauren is an incredible human! She not only helped me identify all the things that were preventing me from sleeping well, she became a life coach and a cheerleader! Her therapeutic approach is what I appreciated most, consistently asking questions that helped me reflect inward to find the answer. She takes a holistic view of your situation - physiological, psychological, and external factors at play. She is worth every penny - all the energy I have to accomplish what I want now that I am sleeping better is the best investment I've made. Thanks Lauren!!”

Shayla, Illustrator and Media Expert, Toronto

“I have struggled with insomnia since high school and it only got worse throughout 2020.

I was recommended to contact Lauren through a friend and I’m so happy I did. Lauren immediately educated me on what was affecting my sleep negatively. After one session with Lauren my sleep started to improve. I learned so much about what affects your sleep and how even small lifestyle changes can make a world of difference for my sleep. 

I expected my sleep to improve but what I did not expect from seeing Lauren is that my overall physical and mental health would improve as well. I am eating healthier, exercising more regularly, meditating, and my stress and anxiety is much more manageable - on top of sleeping throughout the night!

Lauren will give you the tools you need to recognize what is affecting your sleep and how to change little things for an overall more healthy lifestyle and a better sleep. 

After 12 weeks with Lauren my lifestyle has changed for the better and even when my sleeping habits begin to slip I am easily able to identify what is causing that and I am able to get back on track with ease and without stress.

Thanks again Lauren!”

Alex, Accountant, Ontario

“ My program with Lauren has been nothing short of life changing.

From the very first weeks I gained so much insight into understanding the science of sleep. Things that seem so normal to me now, weeks later, but back then all the light bulbs started going off. With each presentation of info it was a constant ‘ah ah’ moment for me. No wonder I wasn’t sleeping. I quickly learned I’m not as crazy and broken as I thought I was! The immense sleep anxiety that I thought I would have to suffer with forever started to melt away as the weeks passed. 

In addition to my decreased anxiety, I somehow beyond my wildest dreams have become nearly caffeine free and very sugar conscious. Her customized program entails so much more than just ‘sleep’. I have started treating health issues I didn’t know existed before this program. I have also grown so much emotionally as a person. I love and care for myself more than I ever have and gained confidence in my life’s journey. 

Lauren is one of the most knowledgeable and educated humans I have ever had the pleasure of working with. She is also an absolute delight and an added ray of sunshine to your weeks together. The road wasn’t always easy but it was incredibly worth it.”

Janet, Hospital Shift Worker, Newfoundland

 “I reached out to Lauren because I was having chronic, constant nightmares and waking up multiple times a night, which eventually lead to me being too stressed to fall asleep at all!

Lauren’s knowledge on sleep and stress is extensive. Using a tracking system and through our discussions during our appointments, Lauren was able to help me identify the areas of my life that were negatively affecting my sleep, and I was able to make lasting changes in my daily routine that helped improve my sleep dramatically. In addition to better sleep, Lauren has helped to improve my overall health for the better; I am doing daily meditations, reducing my sugar intake, and exercising first thing in the morning 6 days a week (& trust me when I say that last one was NEVER a thing I planned on doing!!). Since completing her sleep program, I am not having stress-related nightmares anymore and I sleep soundly through the night!”
Rebecca, Shipping Manager, Ottawa

“ I just finished my last zoom session of my program with Lauren.

Not only has my sleep been transformed, but also my nutrition, my mindset, and my life. I can honestly say I would not be on this lovely and positive path forward with my new partner if not for the hard work and progress I’ve made. I feel better physically and am so much stronger mentally. Lauren gave me all the tools I needed to overcome the obstacles in my life and the strategies to take with me into the future. This is the best version of me and I am so open, confident and proud of myself. Our journey together doesn’t stop here, Lauren. I am so thankful to have you in my life.”

Gina, X-Ray Tech, Newfoundland

 “Before I started, I was very negative about sleep in general and my sleep in particular…

Thank you, Lauren, for all of your hard work, understanding , and creativity. You were consistently insistent that I recognize the truth that sleep is a crucial and amazing part of our lives and that it was reasonable to be grateful. Often, I worried that a coach would be unbearably cheery or unrealistic. You were neither. Thanks so much for your help. My sleep is much more productive and I have a whole truckload of tools to use when things go south.”
Nathan. School Teacher, New York

 “I am so relieved to have found Lauren Duffell. After many years of struggling with insomnia…

I decided to put myself first and seek professional help. Lauren is very knowledgable about sleep issues and provided concrete ways to begin my journey to deep and restful sleep. Many of the things she suggested were counter intuitive such as waking early, cutting out caffeine and getting back in tune with my circadian rhythm. Some of the lifestyle changes were difficult but Lauren was always a supportive coach reminding me of the science and helping me recognize the positive effects these changes were having on my mind, body and spirit. I am once again waking up rested, energized and calm something that I never would have thought possible 6 months ago. I am forever grateful to Lauren for her kindness, patience and sage guidance on this journey to better sleep and a happier life. I am amazed at how much better I feel each week that goes by when I stick to the schedule and focus on making positive lifestyle changes. Thank you Lauren for helping me get my energy and joy back!”

Danielle., Teacher and Mom, Ottawa