the better sleep system

Start anytime, learn at your own pace, connect live

You don’t have to have crappy, stressful sleep forever. There is a way out!

Here are some signs that you need help improving your sleep:

  • You say things like “I don’t sleep” or “My sleep sucks” or “I’m not a good sleeper”

  • you are having regular or on-again-off-again trouble falling asleep or staying asleep

  • your poor sleep is compromising your quality of life during the day

  • sleep challenges feel mysterious and unpredictable

  • your brain does not stop at night

  • you feel stressed about sleep and how your lack of it will affect you tomorrow

  • your sleep happens at all different times

  • you have tried supplements, sleep accessories, bedtime routines, and maybe even sleeping pills and it seems like nothing helps

  • your emotional control, relationships, ability to focus and remember are being impacted by your lac of sleep

Lauren became an anchor for me to learn to sleep again. I now fall asleep with ease and stay asleep. She helped me make adjustments in my mindset and lifestyle that have truly transformed my health. So grateful that there IS someone like Lauren to help with sleep problems
— Sara, Victoria, BC

Envision your future with great sleep!!

What would improve with your physical health?

With your career?

Your mood and mental health?

Family and relationships?

What would you do with the extra energy!!!!?

Not only has my sleep been transformed, but also my nutrition, my mindset, and my life. I feel better physically and am so much stronger mentally. This is the best version of me and I am so open, confident and proud of myself.
— Gina, Newfoundland

THE BETTER SLEEP SYSTEM: learn to sleep better forever

Register HERE, start whenever you are ready.

This system is designed to take your sleep from crap (pardon my french) to good, then to great! Using the science of sleep & circadian rhythms, stress reduction, and lifestyle coaching to get you the lasting results you need and deserve. All of this is achieved via education, integration and accountability. The content of this system is based on coaching hundreds of clients for insomnia reversal and sleep optimization since 2018.

This is for you if:

  • You have regular or on-again-off-again TROUBLE FALLING ASLEEP AND/OR STAYING ASLEEP (I know it will be years for some people… like it was for me!)

  • You feel groggy when you wake up and your sleep feels poor quality, and/or you spend lots of time in bed awake instead of sleeping

  • You feel like you have TRIED SO MANY THINGS…. supplements, weird bedtime routines, sleep accessories like masks or weighted blankets, bedtime yoga, even prescription meds

  • You used to sleep really well, and then at some point it went south and has not recovered

  • You feel like your sleep challenges are showing up IN YOUR LIFE. Poor mood, memory, less patience. Making mistakes at work or having trouble thinking clearly. Not having energy for exercise or doing things you love

  • You can’t seem to turn off your brain to get the sleep you need

  • You are READY AND WILLING TO SHOW UP AND TRY NEW THINGS and make changes even when it’s hard! If you don’t change anything, then nothing will change


This might not be for you if:

  • You are NOT mentally and emotionally ready to take control of your sleep health and take action

  • If you are just looking for a quick fix, or a band-aid solution. This course gets to the core of how you create real, lasting, quality sleep for the rest of your life.

  • You have severe mental illness along with sleep challenges (this program can still be for you, as long as you have separate support for your mental health or other health challenges that are exacerbating sleep issues). My services do not replace that of a therapist, psychiatrist, or psychologist, or any other medical profession. This course is educational and helps able participants to create change in their lives.

  • Apnea: If you are aware that your primary sleep concern is sleep apnea. Coaching can still help but only if you are also having your apnea treated. Note that it is possible and common to have apnea and insomnia together. Sleep apnea is a breathing problem that occurs during sleep, not a problem with your sleep itself. It is common to have poor quality sleep due to apnea and other lifestyle and stress related factors simultaneously, which is why I leave it to the discretion of the individual with apnea to decide if this course is something they feel they can benefit from. If you are not sure, please ask your doctor to refer you to have a sleep study or order a sleep apnea test to your home (if available where you live).

The benefits experienced are:

  • Learning everything you need to know to sleep better forever

  • Understanding sleep. No longer feeling like sleep challenges are mysterious

  • Knowing how to get sleep back on track in moments when life throws you a curveball

  • Sleeping with confidence and less stress about sleep and bedtime

  • Questions answered via live group calls

  • Change creation guidance over 8 weeks through the ups and downs of incorporating changes to your mindset, environment and sleep promoting habits

  • Finally being able to discuss sleep on a deeper level, with others who understand your challenges and with an expert who is helping to guide your progress

  • Sleeping better and better as your sleep-promoting lifestyle sets in

This experience is unique because:

  • IT CONTAINS EVERYTHING I LEARNED ABOUT INSOMNIA DURING OVER A DECADE: Each week, there are educational sessions so that you have everything you need to know, plus there are Integrations sessions where you can ask questions and we can get into the nitty gritty of your real-life application.

  • IT IS A WELL ROUNDED APPROACH: The support is more well rounded than in a strict CBTi course in terms of addressing your lifestyle, and more focused on the science of reversing poor sleep than regular sleep hygiene courses. CBTi often skips over or touches too briefly on important lifestyle, environmental, nutritional and stress-creating factors in your life that are certainly impacting your sleep. The Better Sleep System includes the science of reversing problematic sleep + the supported lifestyle and stress reduction support that you need to make and keep it optimal.

  • IT GOES WAAYYY BEYOND SLEEP HYGIENE: By the time people come to me, they are fed up and feel like they have tried everything. If you have ongoing problematic sleep patters, sleep hygiene will not be enough.

  • GO DEEPER: Unlike a 15 minute doctor visit, we will spend months together. We have time to go deeper which helps give better results, especially for your mindset and accountability to keep going.

  • FEEL SUPPORTED: You have my live attention on the twice monthly calls where you can ask anything and talk through challenges.

I improved my sleep dramatically. Lauren has helped to improve my overall health for the better. I am not having stress-related nightmares anymore and I sleep soundly through the night!
— Rebecca, Ottawa, Ontario
I quickly learned I’m not as crazy and broken as I thought I was! The immense sleep anxiety that I thought I would have to suffer with forever started to melt away as the weeks passed.
— Janet, Newfoundland
my stress and anxiety is much more manageable - on top of sleeping throughout the night!
— Alex, Ottawa, Ontario

When & Where:

  • Education: Takes place in a course platform. Start anytime. New content is released every week.

  • Live calls: Every 2 weeks via zoom. These calls are for integration of information and new habits, as well as Q and A.

Curriculum & Structure:

  • Part 1 - SET THE FOUNDATION (2 weeks): Assessments, your why, sleep science for sleep improvement 101, tools to find your natural timing, mindset management

  • Part 2 - ALIGN TO YOUR NATURAL RHYTHMS (3 weeks): Circadian education, take action on creating your ideal sleep environment, integrate the routines into your life that solidify healthy sleep

  • Part 3 - DEEPEN, SOLIDIFY & OPTIMIZE (3 weeks): Creating deeper sleep and better recovery, building resilience to travel and new environments, nutrition, supplements, optimizing technologies and MUCH MORE.


  • 8 weeks of educational modules as outlined above

  • Integration activities weekly such as journaling, meditation, stress reduction modalities and aligning your lifestyle and mindset to those that help create great sleep

  • Live group call every 2 weeks via zoom for integration - access to live calls for 4 months

  • Lifetime access to program content

  • 1:1 sessions with Lauren are optional add-ons


  • The investment from you is the time and space over 8 weeks to do the core education, and consistency to follow new healthy sleep habits over 3+ months at least

  • Your monetary investment is $549 USD

My Guarantee:

I guarantee that if you follow the guidance in the system, and you have a vision of learning and making changes over the next 3 months, and you are CONSISTENT with your changes, you will get better sleep. If you are open to trying new things with your environment, lifestyle and mindset, YOU WILL SLEEP BETTER.

If you don’t make changes and don’t trust the process you won’t see change in your sleep. If you think that change will happen overnight (pun intended) you won’t get the results that are created with consistency over time. Science shows that the longer we are consistent with good sleep habits, the better sleep gets, especially across the first 3 months. Where you have the most resistance is often where you need the most support.

I am your support for when things are hard. All this to say that if you trust the process and dive in, after 12 weeks, I guarantee you will see some sleep improvement or your money back.

Sleep Apnea Disclaimer: If you have apnea, behaviours that help with staying asleep, will not work. Obstructive apnea or central apnea are medical breathing problems that need medical treatment. Included in the program is educational information about apnea. The guarantee does not cover those with sleep apnea, especially untreated.

Hey! Im Lauren. My interest in sleep health began when I developed insomnia at age 25, which persisted for 5 years! I know how much it sucks.

At the tail end of that torture, I went back to college to become a Registered Holistic Nutritionist at a leading-edge Naturopathic Clinic. Hearing so many sleep-related questions, and seeing that I was the only one talking about sleep health at the time in my area, I pursued a certification in sleep science coaching and a course in cognitive behavioural therapy for insomnia to support people in the way I wished I had been supported.

I have now been working since 2018 to help clients sleep better for the rest of their lives. Nothing could make my heart happier! I use proven techniques to reverse problematic sleep patterns, strengthen your circadian rhythm, and optimize sleep using the science of circadian rhythms, which work better than sleeping medications without the negative side effects.

I’m happy to help give your sleep the TLC that it needs to fuel your happiness and passions in life. Let’s do this!!

The benefits of better sleep creation…

Better sleep creates a better awake life:

  • More energy and energy predictability

  • Better exercise recovery

  • Better clarity, self-talk and emotional regulation

  • Better memory, focus and less chance of accidents

  • Easier relationships and better libido

  • Easier weight and metabolism management

  • Lower resting heart rate and better heart rate variability

It’s basically a daily miracle!

The price matched the value and benefit I received. Being able to sleep again and not be stressed about sleep is priceless. The benefit is immense. I no longer take my sleep for granted. I would without a doubt recommend your service to anyone struggling with sleep issues. If I wasn’t referred to you, I can honestly say that I don’t think my sleep issues would have been resolved and I’d still be off work!!
— Vanessa, Ottawa, ON

NOW is the time!

I’m ready, are you?! There is NO reason why you should have poor quality sleep longer than you already have.

It is actual torture and affects every part of your life. I am not going to go into the science of “sleep deprivation is bad for this and bad for that”. I believe that only adds more stress to your life and you already know that you don’t feel well when sleep is off. I am here to tell you that YOU CAN HEAL. You can feel better. You can take the mystery out of your sleep challenges. You can improve your life. I fully believe in that possibility because I have seen it happen in myself and hundreds of clients. I have never had a client who did not progress.

I’m so excited that I got to a place where I could get off medication and not depend on it to sleep. I think what also resonated with me is that you’ve gone through it all yourself so you can relate to anyone who has sleep issues. That truly gives you credibility. Thanks Lauren!
— Dana, Toronto, ON


  • What if I don’t see any improvement? - if you missed the guarantee section above, take a peak : )

  • What if I have sleep apnea? - also see the guarantee section above

  • Can I buy this as a gift for someone? - Yes, you can do the payment (click any of the blue buttons on this page), and then you can send them the platform information once you get the email, where they create their own login using their own email.

  • What if I really can’t do some of the things you suggest? - In coaching, I always meet my client where they are. We make changes in stages and we start with what is doable. Just like working out, a beginner won’t start with the same gym routine as Arnold Schwarzeneggar. The magic of coaching is that it is not cookie cutter. We start with where you are now and work up from there.

  • How soon can I expect to see changes? - This depends on severity and the person’s challenges. Most clients start to see improvements within the first 3 weeks. I always start with the most impactful changes first so that you get the confidence of seeing things shift!! Some clients need to be consistent for longer before things really shift. Continued improvements come over the next 4 months of consistency!